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Moving with children can be more difficult than moving by yourself or with your spouse. Children often don’t understand why their family has to move and can become overwhelmed with the situation. There are things that you can do to make the move easier, though.
Talk With Them
Before the move takes place, it’s a good idea to sit down with your children and talk to them about the move because understanding why they have to move can be hard for kids. Discuss any concerns that they have and do what you can to make your children feel more comfortable with the situation. This can include taking them to the area where they will be moving to show exciting things they can see and do. It’s also a good idea to create a list of what will take place leading up to the move. The Art of Happy Moving suggests that having a plan in place can give the children peace of mind because they know what to expect at all times.
When it’s time to start packing your belongings, it’s a good idea to use this period as a time to downsize. If you have items that you don’t use often or that are damaged, you may want to consider getting rid of them. Allow your children to help with the packing process. Being able to see that their belongings are coming with them can make the move more enjoyable. According to On The Move Moving and Storage, your kids’ stuff should ideally be the last packed, and the first things you take out of the truck. This will make the whole experience much easier for them. Allow your children to have some say in where their items go when you get to your new home. Being able to arrange their room will give them some sense of control during a period where they may feel powerless.
Be Understanding
According to Julie’s Realty, moving can be especially hard on kids. They are often fearful because they have to go to a new school and make new friends. It’s important to be understanding and try to make the process as easy as you can for them. Consider putting them into sports activities or taking them to local parks or the library where they can meet other kids. The sooner they make friends, the sooner they can be comfortable with the move. Transitioning after a move takes time. It’s best to get everything unpacked and put away as quickly as you can. This will allow your new house to start feeling like home. Talk to your kids about things that can be done to make them feel more comfortable in their new house. You may need to add nightlights to their room or even allow them to sleep in your room until they are comfortable with their new surroundings.
While moving is a stressful thing for adults, it is especially stressful for children. Feelings of being uprooted and uncertainty can hit them much harder. Make sure you step into their small shoes for a moment to understand their feelings and try to make your family’s move as smooth as possible.
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