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If you have a child in diapers, you understand that they are expensive! I swear you use all your extra income on them, wipes and formula. It gets crazy. Cloth Diapers are a way to combat some of the expense.
I always wanted to try cloth diapers but didn’t know how I was going to afford to start my stash. I looked and found some great deals. If you are like me, you want cheap but still good. I found some at 2 different places. Diaperswappers and Amazon. They have great deals and bundles.
I have a stash of 35 diapers (with an insert each) plus an x-large wet bag. I paid $250 for it all. I used them at home until my daughter was 6 months old. We were given a lot of disposable diapers, so we used them when out and about and staying with family. I loved them, even if my husband didn’t. (Men!)
My diapers were one-size pocket diapers. I loved that they were easy to clean and dried quicker. There are also pre-folds, AI1, AI2, flats and more. They held a lot of pee and I never had any blowouts with them. (Which is amazing all in itself!)
My way of washing my pocket diapers:
- Wash every 3-4 days (depends on how many diapers you have in your stash, but this is probably the longest you want to go)
- Put all diapers into your wet bag till you are ready.
- Take inserts out of diapers before putting everything in the washer. Even put your wet bag inside out into the washer.
- I have an HE washer and dryer. I have a pre-soak button that I use with a heavy duty cycle.
- I use homemade detergent. ( On another post!)
- Once they are done washing, I hang up all pocket diapers to air dry, throw the inserts and wet bag into the dryer on heavy duty drying cycle.
- Side note. I also washed and dried her baby clothes with the diapers and had no problems.
- I let the hang drying diapers dry overnight and they are ready to go next day!
I used cloth for my daughter and i was so in love. The patterns are adorable and the fact that you are saving money and the planet is awesome. Great post!
Same here! I try to give her more choices, but she is addicted and Thank you!
Sorry Comment went to the wrong one. But Thank you for the comment. They saves tons including the planet. Just hope when we try for the next one. I don’t cave in to cute patterns.
The designs are cute! If we have another that’s what I’m doing
I keep falling in love with some designs and my husband has to tell me no! lol.
Thanks for all the information! I’ve never cloth diapered, but now I know a lot more about it.
Your welcome. Hope it helps you or a friend later on.
Cloth diapers have gotten so much better and easier with the inserts. If we ever have another, definitely going to try it. With twins, I just didn’t know if I could handle all that laundry…or our washing machine could 😉
Oh man, twins would make it crazy. I went with 90% gender neutral colors, so when we have another I can use again. They are amazing now, it has evolved so much.