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Learning how to manage household chores with a newborn is no easy feat. Let’s face it, newborns require a lot of attention and have needs that must be met without much of a schedule. While you can work to get a newborn onto some sort of schedule, it will take time and dedication to make that happen. If you are a new parent with a newborn in the house, read on to hear some tips to manage household chores with a newborn so that you can be less stressed and your home can look more organized.
Tips to Help you around the house:
Delegate Tasks
This newborn needs you as the primary caregiver, so you must learn this is your number one priority right now. As time goes on you can start picking up more household chores, but for now, try to delegate tasks to other household members to alleviate that stress from your plate. If you have no other person in the home that can do these tasks, then consider reaching out to family or friends for some help during this newborn stage.
Take Advantage of Naps
Figure out when your newborn sleeps the longest during daytime hours. This portion of time can be used as a time to catch up on household chores. While they will tell you to sleep with your newborn sleeps, consider taking two days of the week to complete household chores during your newborn’s longest nap session. This will help you feel inspired to keep going and in turn allow your home to look clean.
Use a Baby Carrier
If you have a newborn in the home, then you must have a baby carrier. There are many options out there available for baby carriers these days. Find a baby carrier that will suit your needs, work well for you and your newborn then use it to your advantage. You can get so many household chores done with a newborn when you utilize a baby carrier throughout the day. This is also great because newborns enjoy being close to their parent.
Pick up when Done
Last, but certainly not least, have the whole family learn to pick up their messes when done in a particular area of the home. This includes taking care of their own dishes after a meal and cleaning up any messes from playtime. This small task that each family member can do throughout the day will help curb the need for a major household cleaning splurge and save you precious time from having to manage household chores with a newborn.
When you learn to take full advantage of these tips to manage household chores with a newborn, you will soon find that everything falls into place. Life will be much easier when you take advantage of nap times, pick up when done, delegate tasks and invest in a baby carrier. Wait and see how much easier managing household chores with a newborn gets when you follow these tips.
Great tips! I definitely had to learn all of these things when I had my newborn a year and a half ago!
Using the baby carrier was the only way I got anything done!
The baby carrier is a great idea. Personally, I would not do any housework if I could LOL
The baby carrier was so key for me! Still working on picking up when done lol but getting better at it!
Misty! Although I’m not a MaMa, I have seen my sis and friends go through the amazing task of caring for a newborn while continuing the many roles you already have! Great post! Mwah! xo~D