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I know you are wondering how living healthy can help you right now or in the long run. The problem with us as humans is we want fast results instead of evidence-based facts and healthy results. These top 5 tips are based in evidence to help you live a healthier life.
Don’t drink your Calories!
Sugar filled drinks will do more damage than you think and really boost up your calorie intake. The mind doesn’t equate liquid calories like it does calories from food.
In fact, Sugar drinks are highly linked to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Even some fruit juices are so high in sugar that they are equal to sodas. Please read labels before drinking.
Drink water, especially before Meals.
There are so many benefits of drinking water that not everyone thinks about it.
Drinking 1/2 – 1 glass of water before a meal can actually help you burn calories, digest the food easier and fill you up faster, so you are not eating as much.

Vitamin D3 is Vital to your Health
If you don’t get much sun exposure (like me) then you may not realize you need to up your vitamin D level. The minimum it should be at is 25, lower and it effects your health. The highest level is 100 which may mean you need less Vit. D.
At your yearly physical please ask to have your vitamin levels checked. Vitamin D supplements are in any major store and come in different doses. I take 5000 iu every other day as my level is 14. (My immune system doesn’t work well and I don’t go outside much).
Also if you feel tired, run down and moody this could be the reason!
Excess Belly Fat can cause Problems
If you are like me you literally gain all your weight in the belly area. I hate it and it is the hardest to get rid of.
The problem with this is that it is going around your organs and can cause metabolic disease. It can also affect how you move, the stress on your knees and even how you sleep.
Focus on getting rid of belly fat if you really plan on being healthier.
If you can Eat Fatty Fish
This may surprise you, but fatty fish such as salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients.
People who add fatty fish in their diet have a lower risk of heart disease, dementia, and depression.

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