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Yard Sales are everywhere this time of year. The weather is nice and people are spring cleaning. We want all of our junk out and money coming in. Now there are always pros and cons of things, especially yard sales. (yard sale sites are worse) I am here to get you prepared for your yard sale and let you know what others are doing at theirs.
- Getting rid of stuff in your house, garage or storage.
- You make money
- Spending time in the sun (free vitamin D)
- Making deals is always fun
- Whatever is left can easily be thrown in the car to donate or set on side of road for free
- Talking to real people instead of kids or online
- Prices put too high on items
- Rude people
- Lots of work to set up
- Pricing everything
- Clean up
- Not always selling things
Yard Sales are good and bad, but it does bring the community out and you may make new friends. Money is always a plus, just don’t price too high. It is a yard sale, not a store. Understand you are always left with more than you want at the end and plan accordingly. You got this, so go make some money!
We threw a yard sale a few months ago and it was a hit only because we coadvertised with another yard-saler. Advertising makes a big difference!
I just had one. I advertised on facebook groups and got more people from that then I did my own community.
I am all for yard sales, mostly going to them and buying stuff. But honestly, I’m just too lazy. I’d rather just donate it all, practically every week someone calls asking for donations. Just have to bag it up and leave it on the step. Easy peasy!
Thanks for your insight,
Nadalie, It’s All You Boo
NEW POST: When You Just Don’t Feel Like It
I think I donate half my stuff or give to friends/family in need of it. Sometimes though I want to put money back for extras or something special and this is a good way to do that.