Parents and people with disabilities both face a litany of daily challenges that they must overcome. If you happen to be a member of both of these groups, the challenges are even greater. However, while starting a new business might seem like an unrealistic goal, you already know that you can accomplish anything. All it…
Time for yourself during the Holidays
Who hasn’t thought they didn’t get time for themselves during the holidays? I know I have. This year I am taking a few mins here and there to relax and do something I want to do. Time for yourself during the Holidays is most important. Ways to take time for yourself during the Holidays: Hot…
Diaper Stockpile Goals
As we all know, diapers and wipes add up quick! I swear we pay so much for anything baby related, I am surprised we can afford it. Costs are always rising too. We can do things to help us cut down costs and make a stockpile before the baby or babies come into the world….
Product Review: Teething Necklace and Bracelet
I received this product free in return for a review. This post also contains affiliate links for Amazon. I will start out by saying my daughter hated teething items except for her giraffe and vibrating strawberry. I have been having trouble finding something she likes. She is late getting her teeth and have 4 top…
How I spend only $50 on my child for Christmas…
What is your budget per kid for Christmas? Well at my house it is $50! You may think this is crazy and such a small amount considering electronics and such. Not so crazy if you think about it and plan ahead. A month after each season’s sales starts. 2-3 weeks after each holiday. Who waits…
Teach Young Children About Money
When you are a thrifty momma or just a momma in general, you want your children to learn about money, it’s value and how to manage it. Teaching new things are never quick and easy. You should always break it up into segments to give them time to learn and retain the information. Build on…