What is your budget per kid for Christmas? Well at my house it is $50! You may think this is crazy and such a small amount considering electronics and such. Not so crazy if you think about it and plan ahead. A month after each season’s sales starts. 2-3 weeks after each holiday. Who waits…
Teach Young Children About Money
When you are a thrifty momma or just a momma in general, you want your children to learn about money, it’s value and how to manage it. Teaching new things are never quick and easy. You should always break it up into segments to give them time to learn and retain the information. Build on…
Store Clearance is the best time to buy!
Who doesn’t love deals? I happened to get an email right before I was leaving to get groceries. Guess what! It was 50% off clearance price at Meijer! So guess where I went? It was on toys and clothes. I also found some great deals on a couple separate baby items. I can never pass…
Basics of Couponing to help Save Money
As some of you know, I coupon or find deals on as much as I can. I grew up that way and continue to do it. It isn’t always about not having enough money. It is about saving money for other things you want and need. Life is unpredictable, and it is nice to know…
Ways to Save Money if you are Starting Out
Everyone wants to find ways to save money these days. I needed to for my daughter pictured above. It is hard starting out, but don’t be discouraged. I started out making small changes and did one at a time. Here are some of the ways I have saved money for my family living on one…
What to Buy in June to Save Money
If you love to save money, here are four things to consider buying in June. Making these purchases at other times, throughout the year, typically means you’ll spend more money. Lingerie June is one of the best times to buy lingerie, thanks to the popular lingerie store Victoria’s Secret. The chain’s semi-annual sale is so…